Tuesday, October 28, 2008

37 Weeks

We finally made it to full term this weekend:) On Sunday I reached 37 weeks which means that if Little Michel came into the world now, his lungs would be mature!

We had our 37 week doctor's appointment last night and there is not too much to report. I am doing well, and the baby is doing great. His heart rate is great and my doctor thinks that the baby will most definitely be in the 8lb range. I am dilated about 1.5 cm and apparently my cervix has started to thin out which is good. Progress is a good thing:) His head is definitely down, so things look good. My doctor does not think that I will go into labor this week, but like she said, anything is possible. I think he will wait until November sometime. He seems pretty happy where he is at!

Our next appointment is on Monday Nov. 3 and hopefully I will have progressed farther! We will keep everyone posted! I still can't believe that we are only about 2.5 weeks away from having the little guy - we are so excited!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Odds and Ends

So, I know I have been terrible about updating the blog and I apologize, but there never seems to be enough time in the day! And I know that is not going to get any better once the baby arrives:)

My pregnancy is going very well still. He is still quite a mover and shaker in there:) I am now 36 weeks, so I am in the home stretch, which is crazy! I can't believe how fast it all goes. I had my dr. appt. last week and she is estimating the little guy will be in the upper 7's to the lower 8's weight wise, and he is head down!! I was very excited to hear he was head down, because I wasn't convinced he was yet. All is well so far and I have my next appointment in a week.

Also, earlier this month my sister threw me a beautiful baby shower. It was great to celebrate the upcoming event with all of my family and close friends. I appreciated everyone coming and it was a great time! Here are a few photos from the shower:

Otherwise, there is not too much to report except that last Wednesday, October 15th was my last day of work...for a while! Jamie and I have decided that it is best if I stay home with the baby:) I am very excited about my new job in life and can't wait to get started. In the meantime, I am filling time by getting the rest of the nursery together, packing bags for the hospital, and making sure everything is ready to go! And now that I have more time on my hands, blogging should be much easier and more frequent.