Monday, September 1, 2008

Where does time go?

So, I feel like I just posted yesterday, but it has already been over two weeks! I think part of it is that I am working my summer hours, so I get home later, and Fridays are always full of errand running and trying to get things done!

It has been busy around the Michel household! My last dr. appointment on the 15th went well. It was the dreaded glucose test, and let me tell you, that stuff you have to drink is horrible. For one, I cannot stand orange flavored things, and of course the only flavor they have is orange. Then you have to suck it down in 5 minutes. Good times:) If you pass, then you only have to do this once and luckily, I passed. On the down side, I am slightly anemic, so now I have to take iron pills throughout the last trimester and beyond.

Other than that, I have been feeling great! I am officially in my last trimester:) I can't believe how fast that went. I am starting to get a bit uncomfortable depending on where the little guys is sitting, and the heartburn is still killer, but I really don't have any complaints. I am hoping that as the iron pills kick in, I get some of my energy back! The baby moves around a ton right now but he still doesn't keep me up at night - yet! From what I am told this will be short lived, so I should enjoy my sleep now!

The past two weekends have been busy! We celebrated my niece Maegan's 3rd Birthday on the 17th by going to Blackberry Farms in the west suburbs. We had a great time riding the merry go round and the train. Maegan got a kick out of seeing the baby goats and chickens:) Her most prized present? I think it was the Scooby Doo coloring book she got from Grandma Ginny and Grandpa Bernie. She literally hugged it!

Jamie and I also got some baby stuff done last weekend! We finally updated our registry. Most everything we had on there was geared toward the adoption, so we had to add some newborn friendly items. As overwhelming as it was trying to figure out what to get for the adoption, it was twice as overwhelming for a newborn!! There is truly an amazing amount of stuff out there...some of it necessary and some of it not. Luckily we know a lot of people who have/or have had babies and they steered us toward the items we couldn't live without.

Labor Day weekend has been busy as well. We had a dog trainer come in on Friday to help us with some issues with Ryno, then Sat. we went out to my sister's (Jamie has his fantasy football draft) and got to see our nieces, which is always fun. Then Sunday, we went back out to the suburbs to see my parents for my Dad's birthday. Today we had brunch with our good friends Ethan, Jill and their son Henry. And now we are just chilling out.

From here on out, it is going to be busy between work, getting ready for baby, etc. But we are looking forward to it:)

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

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