Friday, November 7, 2008

Announcing the Newest Michel

Jamie and I are overwhlemed with joy to announce the birth of our son Beckett Edward Michel who was born on November 2, 2008 at 8:35pm. The birth went great and I will post more details later after we settle in a bit. Beckett is the picture of health and is doing awesome!

Here is a picture of our pride and joy at one day old:

We have more pictures which we will post when we update later! Now I am going to try and get some sleep:)


Jennifer said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! He's beautiful! I can't wait to see more pics of his handsome self. I hope the labor went all right, and that your recovery period is quick and easy! I love his name too. Very cool name.

Again, congratulations Mom and Dad! :-)

The Cook said...

He is so yummy. Congrats again.

Sandi said...

Congratulations.. He is gorgeous! Looking forward to more pictures. I agree very cool name.

Congrats again..


Aaron and Julie said...

Congratulations - he is precious!!

Jeremy & Debbie Groh said...

He is absolutely beautiful. You guys did real good. I hope all is going well and you are getting adjusted to the new life. Hopefully you are getting some sleep too. Talk to you soon andf congrats from the Groh's.

Unknown said...

HOORAY! So excited for you guys...

Susan said...

awww congratulations!! it brings back memories of my lil Seanie, only 10 years ago...LOL


The Cook said...

Hope you are hanging in there girl.

Susan said...

aww congrats. I am sorry to read it so late, but am much busier than i used to be with a very active toddler in the midst.

CONGRATS-he is gorgeous. :)
that is awesome he is sleeping 5 hours at a time too-hope that keeps up and just keeps getting better. That was the hardest thing for me in having a newborn-the lack of sleep was so tough-but it is only for a short time. :)

Many many blessings!