Monday, October 20, 2008

Odds and Ends

So, I know I have been terrible about updating the blog and I apologize, but there never seems to be enough time in the day! And I know that is not going to get any better once the baby arrives:)

My pregnancy is going very well still. He is still quite a mover and shaker in there:) I am now 36 weeks, so I am in the home stretch, which is crazy! I can't believe how fast it all goes. I had my dr. appt. last week and she is estimating the little guy will be in the upper 7's to the lower 8's weight wise, and he is head down!! I was very excited to hear he was head down, because I wasn't convinced he was yet. All is well so far and I have my next appointment in a week.

Also, earlier this month my sister threw me a beautiful baby shower. It was great to celebrate the upcoming event with all of my family and close friends. I appreciated everyone coming and it was a great time! Here are a few photos from the shower:

Otherwise, there is not too much to report except that last Wednesday, October 15th was my last day of work...for a while! Jamie and I have decided that it is best if I stay home with the baby:) I am very excited about my new job in life and can't wait to get started. In the meantime, I am filling time by getting the rest of the nursery together, packing bags for the hospital, and making sure everything is ready to go! And now that I have more time on my hands, blogging should be much easier and more frequent.


The Cook said...

Wow, you posted. I am excited you are home from work. We can play over the next few weeks.

Susan said...

i am cracking up that you think you'll have more time to blog...HA!

I am doing the stay at home mom gig too for the first time (I worked until Sean was 9) and I have so much less free time now it seems. You "think" that since you're home, you'll have all this "free time", well, your time is not free-your "job" is RIGHT there with you, all the time. :)
and Leeza HATES the laptop too-:)